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Within the Addresses link you are able to edit the requirements for the customer's shipping and billing address.




Billing Address: The first box indicates the requirements for the billing address. The middle column within the Billing Address box allows you to decide

if the option will be shown to the customer. If you would like the option shown click the box in the "show?" column. The last column within the Billing

Address box allows you to choose if the option will be required, to make it required click the required column checkbox. To change an option from

required to not required uncheck the box.


Shipping Address: The second box indicates the requirements for the shipping address. The middle column within the Billing Address box allows you to decide if the option will be shown to the customer. If you would like the option shown click the box in the "show?" column. The last column within the Billing

Address box allows you to choose if the option will be required, to make it required click the required column checkbox. To change an option from

required to not required uncheck the box.


When you are finished deciding which options will show and be required click the "Ok" button to save changes.