How to Add a MDS Link to your Homepage

Before we begin, you will need some information regarding the new "Business Cards" category. Edit the new category, when you are inside the category look to the URL to see what "ID=NUMBER" the category is set to.

For example:

The category ID number is 2. We will need the ID number later on.

  1. First, sign-in to your Stamp Shop Web site using an administrators username and password, enter admin.
  2. Click on the Content tab and then under whichever column you would like the image/link to go click on the drop down menu at the top and select "HTML Rotator."  This option will allow you to import the MDS image and link it to the proper location. Once you've selected HTML Rotator from the drop down menu click the NEW button.
  3. Next click the edit button.
  4. The screen will refresh and you will see "Edit Homepage Block Item." Where the words "Your HTML Goes Here" click and delete the words. Next you will need to place your image, to do this click on the Image Manager button (top row of icons) where you can upload or select the MDS image. Once you have either uploaded or selected, click the insert button.
  5. You should now see your image, click on it to select the image and then click on the Hyperlink Manager button. Now you will see a small window pop up asking for your URL (which is where we will need our ID Number), for target set to either new window or same window, and you may add a tooltip. Your URL should look like this (paste the URL below and then change the number to your category ID number):

  6. Next click the OK button.
  7. You will need to click the OK button again, located at the bottom of the screen to save your changes. Next, you will see the Edit Homepage Block page again, click Ok and you have created your image/link to your MDS site. Automatically SSW places your new HTML Rotator at the bottom of the column you originally chose it to go into. Click the arrows attached to the HTLM Rotator box to changes its position within the column.

    Questions? Please call Connectweb Tech Support 800-556-9932 for further assistance.