Custom Vantage Web™ How to Create, Edit, and Delete Custom Attributes
by Amanda Katon
In last month’s issue we discussed creating customizable products. This month’s segment will talk about custom attributes and font set definitions (FSD). If you recall from last month, one of the components to setting up a new customizable product is that the Custom Product (CPD) information is a required field. Let’s talk about creating a new FSD which is used by custom attributes.
Steps to Follow
First, sign into your website with an administrator’s username and password. Once you have signed in, you will see the admin area of your website with the blue tabs along the top of the page. Click on the CPD Config tab; this is where you are able to work with and create new configurations for your custom products.
Now you should be seeing a screen displaying Font Sizes (Picture 1). To the left of the screen you will see the Custom Product Definitions Menu which contains links to custom product elements and settings related options such as font sizes, font colors, font set definition (FSD), and custom attribute.
Font Sizes
Within this font sizes link you will find all the font sizes available for you to assign to FSD’s on your site. Here you are able to add and delete sizes, which can later be added to your FSD.
Adding Font Sizes:
Type the size in numerical form (for example: 7, which means 7pt. type) in the input field just below the text “New Size”. Next click the New button to the right of the input field and you will see your new size added to the list.
Deleting Font Sizes:
To delete an existing size click the delete button that is located to the right of the font size within the column.
Font Colors
When you click on the font colors link in the custom products menu, you will see all the available font colors to choose from when creating your FSD. In this section you are able to add, edit, and delete colors to accommodate what you offer.
Adding Colors:
To add a new color, the information pertaining to the new color must all be filled out. These fields include the color name, red value, green value, blue value, which represent the standard RGB values and, if the color is for an engraved sign, the background image (picture 2).
Color Name – type the name of the color that will be displayed to the customer on your
Red – type in the red color amount (part of the color RGB breakdown).
Green – type in the green color amount (part of the color RGB breakdown).
Blue – type in the blue color amount (part of the color RGB breakdown).
Background Image (Sign’s Only) –The background image is used to show the customer what the substrate color is on a sign. For a complete listing of available substrate images contact Connectweb.
When you have filled in all the fields click the New button to add it to your site. This color will now be available to be added to FSD’s.
Editing Colors:
To edit an existing color on your site click the Edit button located to the right of the color name. On the next screen at the top of the window, you will have the ability to edit any of the fields that were previously discussed to adjust the color accordingly. Once you have made all the necessary changes click the Update button to save the changes.
Deleting Colors:
To delete a color from the list under font colors to remove it from your site, click the delete button next to the color next to the color name you wish to delete.
Font Set Definitions (FSD’s)
When you click on the font set definitions (FSD’s) link in the custom product menu, a list will appear of all the available groupings of fonts, sizes, and colors (named according to your preference) that can be assigned to a custom attribute and in turn assigned to your custom product. These groupings are what give your customers the option to choose from different fonts, font sizes, and colors.
Creating a New FSD:
To create a new FSD, at the top of the page you will see an input field labeled “New FSD”. Type the name you would like to call this FSD (grouping) in that field and then click the New button. NOTE: This name is for your use only; the customer will not see this. Now you will be inside the FSD (Picture 3) where you will be able to establish the settings listed below. All fields stated below are required to have at least one item entered in them in order to work properly.
Description – Type a description of the FSD for your purpose only, again just like the FSD name the customer will not see this.
Assigned Fonts/ Available Fonts –To add a font, click the font name under the available fonts list in the right column to highlight it. NOTE: To select multiple fonts at one time hold down the control key on your keyboard and click on the additional font names. Once the fonts you wish to add are highlighted, click the Add button to add them to the assigned fonts column. If you would like to remove fonts from the assigned column, click to highlight them (select them) then click the Remove button. Lastly in this area, you have the ability to set a default font. To achieve this, simply highlight the font in the assigned column you’d like to set as the default font by clicking on it and then click the Set as Default button.
Assigned/ Available Fonts –Too add, remove, and set a default font size you go through the same process as you did for the assigned/ available fonts.
Assigned/ Available Colors –To add, remove, and set a default color, again it is the same process as the previous two options (assigned/available fonts and font sizes).
When you have assigned all fonts, sizes, and colors to the FSD click the Update button to save your FSD. This button is located at the top of the page next to the FSD name and description.
Editing a Font Set Definition (FSD):
To edit an existing FSD click the Edit button located to the right of the FSD name. Next, complete any changes needed to be made and when you have finished click the Update button.
Custom Attributes
Now that we have set up the FSD we now need to create a custom attribute to apply it to or change the FSD on an existing Custom Attribute. A custom attribute is another type of grouping where the FSD is linked to the shape and type of customizable product.
Creating a New Custom Attribute:
To create a new custom attribute, you must first enter the attribute name in the field at the top of the page. Then click the New button. Once inside the “Edit Attribute” page you will need to fill in the information related to the new attribute as it is broken down below (Picture 4).
Name – type the name of the attribute (something you will recognize when applying it to your customizable product).
Background Image - Type the path to the image you would like to display as the background of this attribute. To choose or upload an image, click the Select button (This is optional).
Insert Image: for daters only – Type the path to the insert image (or date image) you would like displayed for the dater. To choose an image, click the "Select" button. Uploading and selecting images will be discussed in an upcoming installment.
Insert Same as Ink Color (True/False) - Select whether the insert image (for daters) will be the same color as the ink color.
Allow ClipArt (True/False) - Select whether or not you will allow the customer to be able to upload clipart within this attribute or choose one of the default clipart images.
Font Set Definition - Select which FSD should be assigned to this attribute.
Shape - Select which shape type (Round or Square) will match the type of products that the attribute will be assigned to.
Custom Type - Set the custom (product) type for this attribute to Dater, MultiColor, MultiColor Dater, MultiColor Round, Seal, Sign, or Stamp.
Editing a Custom Attribute:
To edit an existing custom attribute click the Edit button located to the right of the custom attribute name. Next make any necessary changes to the custom attribute, when you are finished click the Update button.
Deleting a Custom Attribute:
To delete an existing custom attribute click the Delete button located to the right of the custom attribute name. A popup window will appear confirming your intention to delete, click Ok to delete the attribute.
Congratulations! You are now an expert in creating custom attributes to truly customize the options your customers have. Stay tuned for next month’s installment where we will be discussing how to create different types of layout stamps.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Amanda Katon is a member of the Connectweb Technologies Inc. family, a software development and web hosting company that specializes in software for the marking devices industry. Amanda is a graduate of Mount Ida College in Newton, Massachusetts with a Bachelors of Science in Graphic Design. Upon graduating in May of 2010, she started out working for a marketing company. After eight months she went back to school at North Shore Community College in Beverly, Massachusetts where she earned her certificate in web design. She joined the Connectweb family in June of 2011, focusing her skills on designing custom websites for Stamp Shop Web customers. As part of the Connectweb family, Amanda enjoys helping customers and building lasting relationships with them by implementing one-on-one customer service. Outside of Connectweb, Amanda enjoys outdoor activities and doing crafts. For further help, feel free to call Amanda at (800) 556-9932 or email her at