Configuring Mail for your email account(s)
Note: This article applies to Mac OS X v10.5 and later.
Before you configure Mail:
Mail has the ability to automatically get the email account settings for many email service providers:
Usually, your email account can be configured automatically for you. If you use an email account that Mail cannot configure automatically, continue with this article.
Tip: You can also use the Mail Setup Assistant to check for your email service providers settings. If the Mail Setup Assistant does not have settings for your email service provider, use the "cheat sheet" of questions below when you contact your email service provider.
Manually configuring Mail
Note: You should make note of your email settings--see the cheat sheet below. Contact your email service vendor and note all of the details needed to fill in your settings. During the setup process, you will need these details to complete the setup process. You can either print the sheet and write on it, or paste it into a text document and fill it in on your Mac. Keep the sheet for later reference in case you need it.
Trouble logging in? Simply enter your email address OR username in order to reset your password.
For faster and more reliable delivery, add to your trusted senders list in your email software.