Canned Responses

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Canned Responses

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Within the Canned Responses link add and register predefined actions to quickly interact with your customers.Canned Responses are predefined actions that let your Representatives quickly interact with their customers. Think of Commands as an automated reply of action that are responses your representatives can select to quickly respond to your customers.


A Canned Response can be a message, a link, an image, an e-mail address, a push action, or a quick link.


A Push action lets your representatives push pages and files to the customers. A Quick Link is a reference link or bookmark for your representatives so that they can access your knowledgebase and other resources.

“Canned Responses” is one of the most powerful features of the CUSTOMER CHAT system. By using Canned Responses, you can set predefined actions for better and faster interaction with your customers. You can also set Quick Words, which act as a shortcut to trigger your canned responses and automated replies.

The Canned Responses used by CUSTOMER CHAT System are:

Reply: A predefined message or reply.
Push: Used to push files or URL’s to the customer. A Push command will open a file or window to the customer during a session.
Image: Displays an image to the customer.
URL: Displays a URL to the customer.
E-mail: Display an e-mail address to the customer.
Quick-link: URL bookmarks for the representative. Use Quick Links to allow your representatives quick access to your web pages, knowledge base, FAQs and applications.

Also, a Canned Response can have a Scope. The Scope defines which representatives and departments will have access to the response. You can set a response to be available to each user independently, to the whole department or to all the representatives available on the system.


View Canned Responses


Use this option to browse through the system Canned Responses by providing a search criterion:

Can Name/Keyword: Lists Canned Commands containing the selected keyword.
User Name: For displaying Cans assigned to a special representative.
Scope: The Can’s scope.
Command: The type of Command.

Clicking the “View Cans” button will display the Canned Responses that match your search criteria.

You can access these Cans by clicking on their Can name or the view button.