Custom Attributes

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Custom Attributes

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Within the Custom Attribute link find all the attributes that currently exist on your site, as well as where you may create new attributes. A Custom Attribute is another type of grouping, where the font set definition (FSD) is linked to the shape of the product and the custom type of product.



Creating a New Custom Attribute:




To create a new custom attribute first name the attribute by typing in the field at the top of the page. Next click the "New" button.


Once inside the "Edit Attribute" page you will need to fill in the information relating to the new attribute.


Name: type the name of the attribute here.


Background Image: type the path to the image you would like displayed as the background of this attribute. To choose an image click the "Select" button.


Insert Image - for daters only: type the path to the insert image (or date image) you would like displayed for the dater. To choose an image click the "Select" button.


Insert Same as Ink Color (True/False): select whether the insert image (for daters) will be the same color as the ink color.


Allow ClipArt (True/False): select whether or not you will allow the customer to be able to upload clipart within this attribute.


Font Set Definition: select which font set definition (FSD) should be assigned to this attribute.


Shape: select which shape type will be match the type of products that will be assigned this attribute.


Custom Type: set the custom (product) type for this attribute, either Dater, MulitColor, MulitiColor Dater, MultiColor Round, Seal, Sign, or Stamp.




Editing a Custom Attribute:




To edit an existing custom attribute click the "Edit" button located to the right of the custom attribute name.


Next make any necessary changes to the custom attribute, when you are finished click the "Update" button.



Name: type the name of the new custom attribute here.


Background Image: type the path to the image you would like displayed as the background of this attribute. To choose an image click the "Select" button, which will open a new page where you can upload/select image from shared images folder or your website folder.


Insert Image - for daters only: type the path to the insert image (or date image) you would like displayed for the dater. To choose an image click the "Select" button.


Insert Same as Ink Color (True/False): select whether the insert image (for daters) will be the same color as the ink color.


Allow ClipArt (True/False): select whether or not you will allow the customer to be able to upload clipart within this attribute.


Font Set Definition: select which font set definition (FSD) should be assigned to this attribute.


Shape: select which shape type will be match the type of products that will be assigned this attribute.


Custom Type: set the custom (product) type for this attribute, either Dater, MulitColor, MulitiColor Dater, MultiColor Round, Seal, Sign, or Stamp.




Deleting a Custom Attribute:


To delete an existing custom attribute click the "Delete" button located to the right of the custom attribute name.


A popup window will appear confirming your intention to delete, click "Ok" to delete the attribute.