Font Set Definition

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Font Set Definition

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Within the Font Set Definition link find the different groupings of fonts, sizes, and colors available for you to assign to customizable products.



Creating a New Font Set Definition (FSD):




To create a new FSD first type in the name of the FSD in the field below "New FSD."


Next click the "New" button.


Now you will be inside the FSD where you are able to establish the settings.


Description: type a description of the FSD for your purposes only, the customer will not see this information.


Assigned Fonts/Available Fonts: when creating a FSD be sure to assign fonts. To do so, click to highlight the fonts you would like to assign within the right column (Available Fonts), once they are highlighted click the "Add" button to add them to the assigned column. If you would like to remove fonts from the assigned column click to highlight them then click the "Remove" button.


To set a "default" font click to highlight the font within the assigned column and then click the "Set as Default" button.


Assigned Sizes/ Available Sizes: when creating a FSD be sure to assign font sizes. To do so, click to highlight the font sizes you would like to assign within the right column (Available Sizes), once they are highlighted click the "Add" button to add them to the assigned column. If you would like to remove font sizes from the assigned column click to highlight them then click the "Remove" button.


To set a "default" font click to highlight the font size within the assigned column and then click the "Set as Default" button.


Assigned Colors/ Available Colors: when creating a FSD be sure to assign font colors. To do so, click to highlight the font colors you would like to assign within the right column (Available Colors), once they are highlighted click the "Add" button to add them to the assigned column. If you would like to remove font colors from the assigned column click to highlight them then click the "Remove" button.


When you have assigned all fonts, sizes, and colors to the FSD click the "Update" button to save.



Editing a Font Set Definition (FSD):




To edit an existing FSD click the "Edit" button located to the right of the FSD name.


Next complete any changes and when you are finished click the "Update" button.


FSD: this field indicates which "Font Set Definition (FSD)" you are currently editing.


Description: this field provides a familiar name for the admin only. Your customers will not see this description.


Assigned Fonts: this column includes the fonts that are currently assigned to the Font Set Definition you are currently editing. To remove any fonts click to highlight the font name and then click the "Remove >>" button.


Available Fonts: this column lists all available fonts on your website for you to either "<<Add" to the "Assigned Fonts" column. To "<<Add" a font to the "Assigned Fonts" column click to highlight the font name and then click the "<<Add" button.


Assigned Sizes: this column includes the font sizes that are currently assigned to the Font Set Definition you are currently editing. To remove any font sizes click to highlight the size and then click the "Remove >>" button.


Available Sizes: this column lists all available font sizes on your website for you to either "<<Add" to the "Assigned Sizes" column. To "<<Add" a font size to the "Assigned Sizes" column click to highlight the size and then click the "<<Add" button.


Assigned Colors: this column includes the font colors that are currently assigned to the Font Set Definition you are currently editing. To remove any font  colors click to highlight the color and then click the "Remove >>" button.


Available Colors: this column lists all available font colors on your website for you to either "<<Add" to the "Assigned Colors" column. To "<<Add" a font color to the "Assigned Colors" column click to highlight the color and then click the "<<Add" button.


Update button: click the "Update" button whenever you have made a change to the "Font Set Definition" you are editing.