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Within the Shipping link find options regarding your shipping methods and settings.


Shipping Methods: within this section of the screen find a list of all the shipping methods setup on your site. Each method will appear to your customer as options of shipping for them to choose from. To delete any shipping method click the delete button within the row in which you would like to remove the method.



Creating New Shipping Methods:




Click the "New" button located at the top of the screen.


Once inside the "Edit Ship Method" page fill out the information regarding the new method.


Name: type the name of the method here. The customer


Type: select which type of shipping you would like to utilize from the drop down menu. There are several different types including; FedEx, UPS, & US Postal as well as SSW. The types of methods at the top of the drop down menu that begin with "SSW -" refer to methods that are not in real time. If you select an "SSW" type you will need to create a table with limits for your shipping method.


(Please Note: if you select a UPS or Fedex shipping type you must establish your settings with either organization first. To do so, exit this new shipping method and click on the "Fedex Settings" or "UPS Settings" buttons located at the bottom right corner of the shipping methods page.)


Example: if you would like to ship all your orders with one set shipping price create a table using the "SSW - SSW Item Count." Once you have selected the "type" next create a "new level" of the table setting the limits of the shipping method. Once you have clicked the "New Level" button next you will need to "edit" the first level of the table. The first column of the table, "When Items ordered is equal to or greater than," sets the first total amount of items ordered. For instance, you may want to type 1 into the first column. Next you may type the amount to be charged in the second column (dollar amount). When you are finished editing the first level click the update link.


Adjust Price By: within this field type a handling fee that will be rolled in to your customer's shipping total. You can adjust the shipping amount by a dollar amount or a percentage of their order total.


Ship To Countries: select which countries you would like to be able to ship to with your new shipping method. To "Add" countries simply click to highlight the country within the right column and then click the "Add" button to move the country over to the "available" column. To "Remove" countries simply click to highlight the country within the left column and then click the "Remove" button to move it over to the "unavailable" column.


Ship To Regions: select which regions you would like to be able to ship to with your new shipping method. To "Add" regions simply click to highlight the region within the right column and then click the "Add" button to move the region over to the "available" column. To "Remove" regions simply click to highlight the region within the left column and then click the "Remove" button to move it over to the "unavailable" column.




Editing Existing Shipping Methods:




Click the "Edit" button located to the right of the shipping method you would like to edit.


Once inside the shipping method you may now edit any field within the method. When all the changes are complete click the "Save Changes" button located toward the top of the page.




Deleting Shipping Methods:


To deleted any existing shipping method click the "Delete" button located to the right of the shipping method you would like to remove.


Once you have clicked "Delete" a window will pop-up confirming the deletion, click "Ok" and the shipping method will be completely removed.




Charge tax on shipping?: select this option if you would like the system to automatically add tax to the shipping totals.


Handling fee amount: set the amount you would like added as a handling fee to the order total. This will appear in a line item on the receipt. Select how you would like the handling fee to be determined, either "per order," "per item," or "per package."


If no valid shipping methods are found, display this message: type the message that will appear to your customers when shipping cannot be calculated due to an interruption in the real-time calculations with UPS / Fedex / USPS.


Real Time Rate Provider: select which organization is providing real-time rates with your site.




FedEx© Settings: click this button to setup with FedEx©.


 Tracking URL: type the tracking URL here.


 Meter Number: type your meter number that FedEx© has provided for you. If you do not already have a meter number click the link below to                establish a meter number for your store.


 FedEx© Account Number: type your account number here.


 Service URL: type the service URL here.


 Drop Off Type: select the type of drop off you will be requiring of FedEx© here.


 Always use Residential Delivery Prices: select this option if you would like to always use residential delivery rates.




UPS© Settings: click this button to setup with UPS©.


 Get UPS© License (button): click this button to get a UPS© license, you will need to fill out a form and once you have clicked "I Agree" you will be        all set with UPS©.


 Registration Status: the status of your registration is displayed here.


 Tracking URL: automatically a tracking URL is generated for when you are ready to begin using UPS©.


 UPS© Account Number: type in the account number for your UPS© account here.


 Pickup Type: select which type of pickup you would like to set with your UPS© account here.


 Always use residential rates: select this option if you would always like to use residential rates when UPS© is displaying the shipping costs.


 Package Type: select the package type that will be used as a base to generate the shipping costs when the system goes out to UPS with a real-        time shipping price.


 Service: select which type of service your site will require from UPS©.


 Packaging: select which type of packaging you will be using.


 Payment Method: select which type of payment method you will be using to work with UPS©.


 UPS© Account Number: type your UPS© account number here.




US Postal Settings: click this button to adjust your settings with USPS.


 Register (button): click this button to register with USPS.


 Username: once you start using Stamp Shop Web™ you are automatically given a username to be setup with USPS.


 Password: once you start using Stamp Shop Web™ you are automatically given a password to be setup with USPS.


 Server: a server will be automatically setup for you upon starting use of Stamp Shop Web™.


 Tracking URL: a tracking URL will be automatically setup for you upon starting use of Stamp Shop Web™.